
Hands up!

What the bylaws say...

  1. In accordance with the Co-operative Principle of democratic member control, each Member shall have one vote on any resolution to be decided in general meeting.

Co-op principles say one member, one vote. This means that (unlike a company) every member gets an equal vote. It doesn't matter how much investment you have you will always have an equal say like everyone else.

  1. There are two main types of votes:

    (a) Extraordinary Resolution which requires a 75% majority of those present.

    (b) Ordinary Resolution which requires a simple majority (i.e. 51% or more)

Some votes are very important and need a majority of 75%. This could be a decision to change the rules or bylaws. Most voting needs a simple majority to pass.

  1. Investor Members shall not have no more than 10% share of the voting strength on any Extraordinary or Ordinary resolution. This includes the election of Directors to the board.

For any decisions, investors cannot have more power than other members. For the total number of investors, they get 10% share of the total vote

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