
When, who, why, what, how...

Circle meetings or meetings of circles!


The bylaws say...

Members make the most important decisions and any decisions which have a consequence for the co-op are decided by the members. Some decision making is delegated to the Directors, Circles and Leaders of areas of work. Membership of the co-op means you have voting rights, have a say in what is done and how work happens. You can be involved in shaping the work and the direction of the Co-op.


Sometimes we have user members' circle meetings (Deaf people), sometimes we need to have worker members' circle meetings and the board also meets in their purpose circle. When everyone comes together, that is a general members' circle meeting.

What the bylaws say...

Membership meetings should always have at least one Board Member present to attend as a Delegate.

Why? So the board member can keep people informed and also take notes back to the board so channels of communication are open.


What the bylaws say...

  1. The Co-operative has two types of general meetings. The annual general meeting plus the general members meetings, of which it must hold a minimum of three per year.

  2. The Co-op also has Circle meetings where different types of members can come together to discuss business that is relevant to them.


The Circle Lead can work with its Circle members to form agendas and points for discussion or the board may create an agenda.

Any member can make a suggestion for the agenda or put forward a proposal to be discussed and voted on. Proposals can also be suggested throughout the meeting.


Due to the pandemic, all meetings are currently online via Zoom. We plan to hold more face to face when we can.

Last updated