A place to collect questions and answers... please ask away!

If you have questions that are not answered here, please send them to hello@signalise.coop, and we can add ones that will help everyone.

Q: What does it mean to be a shareholder of Signalise Co-op?

A: You are an owner of Signalise Co-op. You get your say in the running of the co-op and how interpreting services are delivered and received. Please see the Bylaws for how the co-op is run.

Q: As a shareholder of Signalise Co-op, would I be liable for any debt?

A: The Rules state the following:


110. The liability of a Member is limited to the amount of their shareholding.

For current members, this £1.00 was the member share you paid into the co-op to become a shareholder of Signalise Co-op.

Q: How much is the annual membership fee of the co-op?

A: There isn’t one. There is a £1 membership joining fee, and this is currently a one-off joining fee.

Q: How much does CPD (continuing professional development) cost?

A: We hold regular members’ meetings which you can use for CPD if this fits with your CPD objectives. An email to confirm attendance is sent out afterwards. These are free.

You can also make proposals or suggestions (via the form) for pieces of work in the co-op as an individual or as a group of interpreters, and we can help you evidence this for CPD.

We are working on training and co-op member benefits and welcome members to support this work. We are likely to charge for this currently to help with running costs (e.g. room hire) but aim to keep this in line (or cheaper!) than usual CPD opportunities. We hope to have a CPD budget in future for workers to decide how to spend on CPD.

Last updated