Co-op Values & Principles

And what do these mean for us...

This is what those 7 co-op principles mean for Signalise Co-op:

Open Voluntary Membership:

Membership is voluntary and is non-discriminatory. We are open to all persons able to use or supply our services, who fit the eligibility criteria and are willing to accept the responsibilities of membership.

Democratic Control:

Signalise is a democratic organisation controlled by its members who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. Any elected representatives are accountable to the membership. Members have equal voting rights: one member, one vote, regardless of any financial investment made into the co-operative.

Member Economic Participation:

Signalise has a strong commitment to the Deaf and Interpreting community by offering choice and value for money. Members allocate surpluses for the following purposes: developing the co-operative, setting up reserves, benefiting members in proportion to their transactions with the co-operative and supporting other activities approved by the membership. contribute to, and democratically control the financial resources of their co-operative.

Autonomy and Independence:

Signalise functions for the autonomy and independence of BSL interpreting services, for the professionals who provide these services and the community that receives them.

Continuous Education:

Our members will work together to educate and promote a model service that is mutually beneficial to all. We will provide education so that our members, elected representatives, managers, and employees can contribute effectively to the development of the co-operative and the general public will better understand co-operatives.

Co-operation amongst Co-operatives:

Signalise is committed to strengthening the organisation and the co-operative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures.

Concern for Community:

Signalise is committed to the Deaf and Interpreting community and we will work for the sustainable development of our community through policies accepted by our members.

Last updated