Board Director - role and responsibilities

Taken from the Board Handbook and Co-ops UK resources

The Role of the Board

In general, the Board's role is:

  • To set the values, ethics and culture of the organisation

  • To set the strategy and direction

  • To provide accountable leadership

  • To oversee business performance

  • To determine and direct the organisation’s risk

  • To oversee the management team

  • To ensure compliance with rules and statutory requirements

  • To set policies and procedures and oversee their implementation

  • To be accountable to members

  • To vet new board members

The Committee is not there to:

  • To become involved in day-to-day management

  • To represent other roles ie personal business, job role, interest group etc. People are there to represent interests of the coop alone

The Role of a Board member

There is no formal job description for a Board member, but it includes:

  • Providing your attention and commitment

  • Challenging other board members and staff

  • Being able to represent the membership – as a whole

  • Having a basic standard of financial literacy

  • Having good people skills – being part of a team

  • Being able to listen, reflect and when required make difficult decisions

  • Valuing different types and levels of commitment

  • Being honest and open

  • Showing accountability and transparency

  • Accepting majority board decisions – even when disagreeing

  • Bringing life experience and skills from outside

  • Being patient and persistent

The Signalise Co-op Board welcomes people with all kinds of skills, experiences and backgrounds.

Board member responsibilities

Signalise Co-op will provide training on Board on legal responsibilities.

The legal responsibilities of a Board member are laid down in Society Law and Company Director Law also applies to Board members.

Society law on directors

  • Obey the law

  • Duty of good faith

  • Duty to take care

Company duties – in Company Law

  • Duty to act within powers

  • To promote the success of company

  • Duty to exercise independent judgment

  • Duty to exhibit reasonable skill, care and intelligence

  • Duty to avoid conflicts of interest

  • Do not accept benefits from third parties

  • Duty to declare interest in proposed transactions with company

If you want to become a Director of Signalise Co-op, please complete the Expression of Interest form.

Information taken from Co-op UK resources, our Board Handbook and Carbon Co-op's Committee Member Roles and Responsibilities.

Last updated