Members' Commitment

What the bylaws say...

Members’ Commitment

Upon becoming a Member of any category, you agree to honour the Members’ Commitment:

(a) To support the vision and work of Signalise Co-op

(b) Adhere to the seven co-operative principles of voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, member economic participation, autonomy and independence, education, training and information, co-operation among co-operatives, concern for the community.

(c) To actively participate in the success of the co-operative and support the co-op to safeguard its future.

(d) Attend a minimum of two meetings per year and, if a Worker member, accept a minimum of two assignments per year.

(e) Treat all members with respect ensuring all colleagues and members are treated with dignity and listened to.

(f) Not to bring the co-operative into disrepute by behaving in a way for one's sole benefit rather than the benefit of the co-operative. This includes poaching clients or any other coercive behaviour.

(g) Not sharing or disclosing information about the co-operative’s commercial business with external agencies/non-members.

(h) To abide by the members’ Code of Conduct as detailed below.

Last updated