
What the bylaws say about who should be the directors...

  1. The Board of Directors has between 3 and 12 Directors.

  2. (Rule 74) The Board of Directors shall be elected by and from the Co-operative’s Members. In these elections the votes of non-user investor Members shall count for 10% of the total votes cast. The composition of the Board of Directors following the first annual general meeting shall be as follows:

    (a) Not more than Five User Members;

    (b) Not more than Five Worker Members;

    (c) Not more than Two Investor Members.

  3. (Rule 75) The Board of Directors shall endeavour to ensure that its composition reflects the number of Members in each category, to maintain a representative balance. This shall be reviewed by the Directors from time to time.

What the bylaws say about their duties...

The business of the Co-operative shall be managed by the Board who may exercise all such powers of the Co-operative as may be exercised and done by the Co-operative and as are not by statute or by these Rules required to be exercised or done by the Co-operative in general meeting.

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