Eligibility Criteria

If someone wants to become a member... ask them to email hello@signalise.coop

Worker Members’ Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Eligibility Criteria for worker members is limited to individuals who are regulated by NRCPD/RBSLI/ITI/SRLDPC and as a prerequisite of that registration hold:

    (a) a certificate of professional indemnity insurance.

    (b) a current DBS enhanced certificate.

    (c) not have any current sanction or suspension within their registration.

    For business purposes trade as:

    (a) a sole trader.

    (b) Limited Company where the director is the sole interpreter and does not operate as an agent to procure employment for other interpreters.

  2. Newly appointed workers, whether they are employees, freelance or volunteers, must:

    (a) Complete the probationary period defined in their Signalise Co-op contract or agreement.

    (b) Satisfy any membership eligibility criteria defined in their Signalise Co-op contract or agreement.

    (c) Complete a short application form to become a Worker Member.

    (d) Agree to the Members' Commitment.

User Members

  1. To become a User member you:

    (a) Are Deaf, Deafblind or Hard of Hearing.

    (b) Are a user of interpreting services or other communication professionals for Deaf people.

    (c) Agree to the Members' Commitment.

Investor Members

  1. To become an Investor Member you:

    (a) Invest during a Signalise Care Co-op Community Share Offer. The terms and conditions of your investment are defined by the Share Offer documents. You stop being an Investor Member if you withdraw the full value of your investment.

    (b) Agree to the Members' Commitment.

Last updated